Friday, June 16, 2006

Dear Scooter,

cross-posted at DailyKos.

I think of you often. Well, not all that often. Just when my dog needs her anal glands expressed and she does that thing to the carpet...

I'm writing you today to tell you the aspens are whispering to each other, and they're finally turning towards the sun.

Yes the odor that emanates from the veterinarian's table at times like that does bring our government to mind, especially during weeks like this when another of your oily friends has made off with a turd to grow another blossom out of.

You probably are used to the smell by now. It's Eau du Republican Locker Room. It's the holy water of your baptism.

I've known your type all my life. You walks the halls of a rarefied world, trading in futures like war whose bonds will never come due for anyone in your family.

You chance the lives of dedicated public servants by exposing them and their operations in a vile attempt to protect the men you have to suck up to to keep making money. To keep holding onto power.

The sad thing is, your strategy works well. Guys who play on teams like yours with the easy ethics have frequently made it to the top. American capitalism is a contact sport and you body-check with the best of 'em.

People who play by the rules are just suckers, aren't they? And those who dare to try to raise the level of discourse are weak. The ones who start to inspire those left behind - the poor, the children, the elderly, the tired huddled masses yearning to be free as it were - the ones who speak to them, well, generally, they get assassinated.

That's the strategy that worked when I was a kid. We'll see if that one comes back for a reprise.

But the aspens are connected now and they're reaching for the sun. They're going to try to clean the rotten air you've left behind and offer some shade in the desert of politics and scorched earth that is your legacy.

Patrick Fitzgerald played by the rules so clearly that we all must accept his judgment. Even though your boys would have twisted the rules and the evidence to create the PR outcome you wanted, Fitz is one of us. He doesn't lower himself to your standards. He believes in the rule of law for all Americans, even you.

You may have won a battle or two, but in the end, Mother Nature will out. The aspens will be standing and the sound of their leaves rustling in the wind will echo the gentle sigh of justice.




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