Monday, June 04, 2007

Like Ted Bundy Before Him

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Serial Killer of the Week.

A man so selfish, he chose to endanger the entire world rather than miss his wedding trip to Greece. And now there are even questions of whether or not he actually did the deed.

But it's okay because he's a white guy. And a lawyer to boot. And a personal injury lawyer to add insult to... well, injury. An ambulance chaser. THAT's why he thought to tape record one doctor somewhere not saying exactly what he could legally be held liable to knowing about later.

He's white. Imagine if he were a black man. He'd be in a penitentiary infirmary right now. Imagine if he were a gay black man. He'd be on his own island somewhere. Imagine if he were Middle Eastern. He'd be in Guantanamo.

But because he's a wealthy, educated white guy, he gets fluff pieces in the New York Times (AP) about what a great guy he really is. Except for the TB endangering part. Like the BTK killer, Ted Bundy, and a host of other serial killers before him, he has a Greek chorus of astonished friends and neighbors who swear he couldn't do anything like that, killing other people. He's a good guy. A really good guy.

Who are his PR people? That's what I want to know. They're a firm to work for!

His station in life made him arrogant enough to get on crowded planes in crowded airports and go to his vacation. When he was told in Italy to check into a hospital, he evaded authorities and took a flight from another country (I don't remember which and am sick of researching this) to Montreal so he could drive across the border.

A touch of premeditation? Ya think?

Once again, because he was a nice-looking white guy, he got a pass from border control (anybody betting what race and gender that guard was?). He spent a grand total of TWO MINUTES at the border crossing.

Imagine if he were any race but white.

His treatment will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I wonder who's picking up that bill? Certainly not our hero, Andrew Speaker!

And all the while, he and his family make the rounds of TV talk shows, asking forgiveness and trying to get your understanding.

Tell them to kiss your ass.


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