Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dear Rico Suave

Thank you for still logging on to my little blog here every once in awhile, looking for anything entertaining coming out of my head. Right now my brain's so full of ca-ca and confusion, I'm loathe to put anything down on Internet paper. I admire your stick-to-it-iveness when it comes to living in this little town and the solidity of your life. In contrast, mine seems like those dunes out at the beach, built of constantly shifting sand. 

If the new job comes through, I've certainly got to tough it out, even if it is in the den of slavery that is Capitol Hill. I do think I could make it to 2010 going in to the same office every day when it's one that's actually changing the world, or at least our little corner of it. 

And to my frustrated reader who once had me bookmarked, but now has moved on because I'm such a fickle blogger: SORRY.  The last word in this blog title is "distractions." That seems to be all I can focus on these days.


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was actually trying to click on Huffington Post just now and I missed by one and hit your blog. Imagine my surprise when I saw my name up in lights. It was an existential jolt. 'I'm in print, therefore I am...'
Descartes in the new millennium...

Go get em, champ! It's in the blood.



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