Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Snake's a Charmer

I just watched Dick Cheney on the NewsHour for an extended interview. I had to leave before the final moment because I was going to hurl.

Lehrer questioned him on the NSA wiretapping of Americans. Whether the secrecy of the program was more important than the checks and balances of our government. "You can't tell 500 people (i.e., Congress) something and expect them to keep it a secret, Jim!" He went on to point out their main talking point on this issue: that we haven't been hit by another big terrorist attack in this country in four years.

Then, he took the shot that would inoculate the administration from any attacks that happen now: "now that it's out in the media, anything can happen."

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, I guess.

The freakiest thing about Dick Cheney is his automation. He has the cold clear stare of a serpent and the head turning timing of that species as well. He hasn't been coached by anyone because he's beyond coaching now. He is of a piece. He is the message. He is the program.

He went on to talking about Iran (sounds like our next project) and lots of talk about "our enemies." We have to neutralize them. "We believe" is the catch phrase to start any answer to a reporter's question that asks for facts. "We believe that to be true... We believe they had weapons of mass destruction... We believe we have all the legal authority we need for this program."

Re: the domestic surveillance, Cheney actually said, "Everything was fine before there was publicity." Several slams on the New York Times.

Yup. It was telling "folks" that caused all the problems. The government we fund doesn't owe us check writers any damn 'splanations!

Re: Darfur. Lehrer tried to elicit some shame. Didn't work. "We're doing all that we can do," said Dick. Good to know, said I.

I had to leave the room when Cheney went on to defend the competence of the Administration. I work in spin and even I was getting seasick.

Is that a rattle I hear? Dick, is that you?


At 8:36 AM, Blogger Eric A. Stillwell said...

Check out Nicholas Kristoff's editorial on Durfur in today's paper. I'm half tempted to send in a pledge.

BTW -- Kristoff grew up in Yamhill, Oregon, and is a good friend of my cousin Susan who lives up in Beaverton.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger dcnative said...

My favorite part of Kristof's op-ed: "Note: Pledges cannot be earmarked. It is not possible to undewrite O'Reilly's outgoing ticket to Darfur without bringing him home, too."



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