Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Top Ten Reasons You Can't Trust Republicans with National Security

10. They outed a CIA operative to exact political revenge, endangering her life and leaving a legacy that will make people think twice before signing up for duty.

9. They ignored a memo in August 2001 entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."

8. They made seniors less secure with the massive giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry known as the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

7. They sent our troops off into battle without appropriate armor, making them incredibly less secure. They make them pay to fly home for leave and for body armor that gets damaged when they are hurt using it.

6. Almost five years after 9/11, they still have done nothing to make our chemical and nuclear power plants more secure.

5. They've cut funding for first responders across the country. They link school funding to adherence to their failed No Child Left Behind program. They've sold our country's debt to China, leaving us weaker against that country's political whims. They've sacrificed the health of our environment to the highest industry bidders nationwide. All of these things are part of creating real security for America instead of phony, PR-focused "security."

4. They still haven't worked out communications networks in places like Washington, D.C. that failed during 9/11, leaving first responders in likely target cities without the tools they need to keep us safe in a disaster.

3. Rampant cronyism that endangers America: placing Michael Brown in charge of FEMA and Porter Goss in charge of the CIA – the latter, an appointment that has led many experienced senior Agency employees to walk away from their much-needed service to our country.

2. They only believe in the kind of affirmative action that gives our East Coast ports over to a company owned by the United Arab Emirates. Finally, they start to understand the dangers of racial profiling.

1. The guy at the top of the page: Karl Rove. He's the real Numero Uno behind the smoke and mirrors.

I ran out of numbers before I even got a chance to talk about the budget or a million other things! (Feel free to nominate your own in the comments.)


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