Saturday, February 18, 2006

Seeking Forgiveness from Dubya and Dick

I gotta give a shout out to Harry Wittington. Molly Ivins had a nice piece about him this week and he sounds like a really decent guy. Kind of like me and you. We're happy he lived. What I don't get is why he's apologizing to the guy who shot him.

Is this some kind of Stockholm Syndrome, learning to appreciate our abuser? Or is this just good politics? Hard to say.

I've tried to imagine the scene all week. Harry Wittington's hospital room. White House operatives guarding the door, waiting to influence any decision the doctor might make in the case. Come on, doc, he's gonna pull through! Replace his damn heart and stitch him back up. He just needs to be making it through nine holes on the nearest ritzy golf course asap.

At what point did they decide to release the news? After everybody's blood alcohol content had been wiped clean? Or am I just being a cynical liberal?

"Thank you, Dick, for hitting me with all the buckshot. I'm sorry for the pain my pain caused you, Lynn, that lesbian daughter and any other stakeholders. The check's in the mail for the gun safety PSA you'll soon be producing! God bless ya'!"

We've all been treated poorly in our time. If you have a few hours, we could swap stories but what's the point in that? All I've learned is that people treat you the way you expect to be treated - or are willing to put up with being treated. I'm uppity. I require certain behavior from those in my life. No buckshot. Especially of the up-close-and-personal kind.

Harry, I see, is less fussy.

Thank you God, Allah, Jesus, Yahweh, (insert deity name here) for getting a nice guy like Harry through this. Now can we get him and the rest of America a weekend course in how to stand up for yourselves and demand being treated like humans?

Oh, that's right. There's an election coming up. We have a chance to stand up for our own selves. Yee-ha!


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