Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Democratic Party Shoots Self in the Heart

A different kind of politician says good-bye.

Iraq vet Hackett drops out of Ohio Senate race

NEW YORK (AP) -- Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, a Bush administration critic who had been recruited by top Democrats to run for U.S. Senate, said Tuesday he was dropping his campaign and declared his political career over.

Hackett said he was pressured by party leaders to drop out of the Senate primary and run for the House instead.

National Democratic leaders, especially Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Senate campaign committee, had told Hackett's top fundraisers to stop sending money, Hackett told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

"My donor base and host base on both coasts was contacted by elected officials and asked to stop giving," Hackett said. "The original promise to me from Schumer was that I would have no financial concerns. It went from that to Senator Schumer actually working against my ability to raise money."

Schumer, who represents New York, was not immediately available for comment.

"I made this decision reluctantly, only after repeated requests from party leaders, as well as behind-the-scenes machinations, that were intended to hurt my campaign," Hackett said in a statement announcing the end of his campaign...

Democrats also considered Schmidt vulnerable in a rematch against Hackett. She was widely criticized for saying in a House floor speech about a troop pullout recommendation by Rep. John Murtha, a decorated Vietnam veteran: "Cowards cut and run, Marines never do."

But Hackett said he had already told other Democrats he would not enter the congressional race.

"I said it. I meant it. I stand by it," Hackett said Tuesday. "At the end of the day, my word is my bond and I will take it to my grave."

(click on link for rest of story)


I almost called this post "Why I'm Proud to Be an Independent."

I've spent a year working with a movement that is desperate to find "non-traditional spokespeople." It's much better to have a farmer telling you why it's best if we keep the rivers clean and full than it is to have a lawyer telling you which part of a law was broken by someone who drained said river. People respond to other people. You realize that if you've ever seen a baby looking at you.

Dems, Howard, anyone?? You had a war hero who dared speak his mind and still almost won a race in a mostly Republican district last time around. You sought him out to run for you. Then you changed your mind and drained his pocketbook of dollars. You wanted to go with a more "seasoned politician" (one whose motto is the stirring, "He's on our side").

Maybe this is the turning point those in the military need to see how little their service is valued by our political leaders. I thought it was only the Republicans who demeaned those who served - and only after they dared seek office.

Is this another page from the Republican playbook that the Dems are trying to steal? If so, don't be surprised if they keep losing.

I guess it's time to draft Robert Redford after all. The DLC can just watch "The Candidate" and whistle a happy tune. That's pinning a lot on Mr. Redford's looks and appeal still winning, but it's better than any "strategery" the party seems to be able to muster anymore.


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