Monday, September 25, 2006

You Call That Angry?

Sorry for the fuzzy photos...

It's weird to watch the coverage of this story. It basically breaks down into three camps: the FOX folks, the Huffingtons et al who think Clinton blew it, and the frustrated Dems who feel liberated by watching one of their own stand up for themselves - especially to a windbag like Chris Wallace.

Now, I'm sure not every fact Clinton gave was right or even verifiable. But it was refreshing as hell to see him push back. As much as it was an ad for Richard Clarke's book, it was nice to see somebody talk about the media strategy. The Bushies have used some tired old saws from their side for years about the media's agenda. Heavens to Betsy! You mean the conservative media might have an agenda too?! Pass me the smelling salts. I feel the vapors a-comin' on.

And what do you expect the man to say the week that TV movie aired with some revisionist history while he's out there promoting a positive thing like his global initiative? Nobody likes good news, Mr. President. And remember: only TV movies about the Reagans get pulled.

So I applaud ol' Bill. I'll allow him his moment of righteousness. I'm not sure how focused he was on Osama bin Laden before he left office. I'm sure he knew about him and his threats. I know enough people who worked in his White House to know the stories of how hard he worked, how much he read, how many facts he could cram into his cranium. He didn't need staff to read the papers, then pre-masticate his news before they spat it into his hamster cheeks.

Those certainly were different times, weren't they?

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he tried his best. The one thing there's proof of is: he never used his search for OBL to start a war and blow up an entire country on the pretext of keeping people from blowing us up here.

Those were the days.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Eric A. Stillwell said...

When Clinton tried to go after OBL, he was accused of "wagging the dog" by Conservatives who thought he was simply trying to distract the public from his sex scandals.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


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