Politics, my distraction
So Hillary won last night. It makes me think. I was an Edwards fan, then an Obama fan, but will admit that Hillary was great at YKos. I have no problem with Hillary. I have problems with the people who surround her. I think she has lousy taste and is stuck in that old DLC mindset that won't behoove the party. If she can jettison that pod (Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emanuel, Frogman James Carville, Paul Begala, BILL CLINTON), she'll be fine.I have faith - not so much in Barack's experience, but - in his judgment. He's run a good campaign. The advisors I know of his are good and smart people, not scum. He's trying not to go negative. Beyond all that, policy will change. I want to vote for somebody who has good instincts and knows who to trust. THEY will largely shape policy. I'm looking for that first, initial intelligence. I think Barack has that. Hillary, not so much.
Friends in both NY and CA have called me recently to talk about the changes in my life, the move, the new job, etc. And to a one, they have all argued loudly and forcefully for Hillary. They say this is typical. A woman works hard for years, does a good job (being Senator at least), and when she tries to capitalize on all that hard work, who comes along but a handsome whiz kid guy? He hasn't nailed down all his "plans" yet (useless though they are at this point), and is full of fine rhetoric.
Maybe we've been so deprived of brain power these last eight years that we respond like dry sponges to the fulfillment of hope-filled rhetoric. Maybe we're suckers for someone who can still imagine a way out of all this shit we find ourselves in.
All I want to know is which Dem has what it takes to beat McCain. Hillary's won all the key Dem states. We're not likely to win the ones Obama has taken. And I'm surprised by her strength among blue-collar voters. That could make all the difference.
What a weird place we find ourselves in. The natty black guy from Harvard is winning white people and the educated. The white woman lawyer from Yale is winning the blue-collar and the elderly. I think unions are splitting.
I just hope the party doesn't split. That's always our big downfall. "Can't we all just get along?"
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